Proof-Texting: A List of 5 Examples and 5 Reasons to Stop!

An old dangerous game is being played in the churches: Knock out the congregant with misquoted scriptures.

“Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me”?

The truth about the famed new testament writer, tells readers that his mission was redirected.

Saul had plans of visiting followers of Christ, penalizing them with their own creed, sentencing those to death.

In Acts chapter 26, the accounts of a man changing is notable for its unique appearing.

The reality of Saul’s zeal and mission was to judge others, condemn them to punishment, death, all for non-conformity.

Saul was shocked along the road to Damascus, as he and others were overcome with a bright light. A light so brilliant, they fell to the earth.

What is Proof-Texting? 

Proof-texting is when one person takes a scripture out of context and attempts to apply it to another person.

5 Examples of Proof-Texting:

1. “The number one thing that God hates is sexual sin”. This may be referencing cases in the bible of rape, incest, temple prostitution, King’s stealing the wife of soldiers, having said soldier killed in battle, it is not however mentioned as the number one thing God hates.

Polygamy, is however an accepted practice through volumes of the Bible, history, modern day cultures.

Explain that….

2. “If a man doesn’t work, he shouldn’t eat”. This is a statement I’ve heard repeated by the same person in every conversation we have. It has become a proof-text dead horse. Sincerely, an obvious form of judgement. Low and behold, this proof-texting person is a pastor, receiving income at the hands of her congregants. It’s funny to hear a person who lives on church funds tell others to work (especially to the people who do work). It is meant to be an insult.

3. “Forsake not the assembling”. In other words, “go to our church, or be forever fearful of losing rewards in heaven”. This particular statement bears a single reference in Hebrews and is one of the most misquoted quotes in church history. The idea of an all encompassing church meeting three times a week is merely sinful in comparison with the first century church meeting daily. Therefore, missing church, abstaining from church, changing churches, home church: all fall under the judgment of this passage in some twisted form or another. Oh, and it was daily, not daily and two times Sunday. Seven church services a week, and you’ll be washed clean…. maybe.

4. The Rod of Correction: Designated as any instrument appropriate for hitting children, you know because What Would Jesus Do, or better yet, whose children would Jesus beat? None, Jesus said it would be better to die by drowning than to offend a child. Is being hit offensive to adults? It’s also offensive to children. To be honest, I was beaten as a kid, sometimes to biblical proportions and look what happened, I’m not “just fine”, otherwise I’d choose something else to write about. I didn’t turn out better for being wrongfully accused, bruised. In fact, this is simply wrong. The first mentions and progress of the Rod has to do with shepherding, guidance, instructing. A sheep astray would be gently carried back to the fold, not driven away with a beating. Sadly, the translators have sorely mistaken the meaning, words in this text. The rod is all about gentle instruction, no shepherd would beat livestock, so stop telling people to beat their kids.

5. Women are to adorn themselves modestly: And that means any way the rest of the women in the church dress. No makeup, skirts dragging on the floor, long sleeves, turtle necks. The idea behind this proof-text is that women serve, mostly as a temptation, baby factory, cook, housekeeper and should look base, unattractive, no braided hair, no jewelry. Really? What was it Jesus said at the well “Woman, surely you have five pairs of Yoga Pants, and the pair you’re wearing now does not even belong to you”….. yea, something like that.

It’s disturbing to see how the church enjoys sexualizing men to work, women to be subservient to the needs of men. It’s almost as if they forgot about intersex born people.

Okay, so women dress in plain baggy clothes, men go to work, the other sexes don’t matter, nor do they exist according to churchianity.

5 Reasons to Stop Proof-Texting

1. It is bad theology: Taking scripture out of context, shoe-horning ideas into sermons, fault finding, all have got to go.

2. It is harmful: Using a bible verse to comment on another person is typically not a helpful remedy, it falls along the lines of gossip, often disguised as a-need-for-prayer, change, more faithful service, better offerings.

3. It is obvious: To the trained eye, the proof-texter is easily spotted. Among being guilty of unrighteous judgement, one is also pointing out their own feelings of guilt and shame.

4. It is a self-fulfilling-prophecy: That’s right, when one judges another, three fingers point back judging ones own self.

5.  There exists no biblical basis for proof-texting. The bible was written of specific accounts, with specific people, of men and women. Remember Miriam, Hannah, Ruth, Elizabeth, Esther, The host of women in Psalm 68:11, or doesn’t your bible mention women in Psalm 68:11?


Finally, the amount of reading, prayer, study one invests time in means absolutely nothing from a heart that is not free. A person focused on correcting others is living in a mental prison.

There is a good indication, those caught up in proof-texting are truly trapped in their own jail cell of judging. Cages they’ve built up for their own selves.

The first step to building oneself into a spiritual trap is to begin looking at God through rose color glasses. Before reading, studying, put on some filters, find what you want to find, begin at the conclusion and work backwards. These are the keys to mastering proof-texting.

A certain amount of unholy pride goes into slapping a person in the face with scriptures. Worse, would be to ask a pointed question, reply with a bible beating, sinner!

My only question: Have you hung out with any prostitutes lately, given a hug to a smelly homeless person, tipped more than 10%, appreciated anyone, anywhere, at any time, other than your own proof-texting self?

My only reply to the Proof Texters: Go wash yourself in the Jordan River seven times.

Why wash seven times in the Jordan? Because, it will give everyone plenty of time to walk away from your passionately mistaken dogma.


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